Saline River Chronicle

SRC EXCLUSIVE: Bradley County Receives Significant Grants for Courthouse and Historical Museum Restoration

WARREN, Ark. – Bradley County has been awarded a substantial grant of $111,000 to undertake crucial repairs and restorations at the Bradley County Courthouse in Warren, Arkansas. This grant, part of the fiscal year 2024 Courthouse and Historic Preservation Restoration Grants announced by the Arkansas Historic Preservation Program (AHPP), will fund a range of essential restoration projects.

The Bradley County Courthouse, an iconic historic structure in South Arkansas, will benefit from extensive wood window repairs, interior plaster repairs, decorative metal cornice restoration, and painting. These efforts are aimed at preserving the architectural integrity and historical significance of the courthouse, ensuring it continues to serve the community effectively.

Marty Ryall, director of Arkansas Heritage, emphasized the importance of these grants in maintaining the state’s historical landmarks. “Working to save the special places that tell the story of Arkansas and that serve her people is a job we take seriously at Arkansas Heritage,” Ryall stated. “I appreciate the work from the applicants, their committees and teams of experts, and our grant selection committee. It’s an honor to award this money each year and rewarding to see the progress photos and reports that come into our office throughout the process. The real winners in all of this are the citizens of our state.”

The County Courthouse Restoration Grant program, established in 1988, aims to promote the preservation and continued use of Arkansas’ historic courthouses by providing financial assistance for restoration, selected maintenance, and accessibility projects. This year, a total of $4,013,676.04 in grant funding was awarded to 30 recipients across the state, with Bradley County being one of the beneficiaries.

In addition to the courthouse grant, the Bradley County Historical Museum has also received a separate grant of $25,900 for the restoration of the Dr. John W. Martin House, another significant historic property in Warren. This funding will be used to replace deteriorating wood siding and paint the exterior, further preserving Bradley County’s rich historical heritage.

The Historic Preservation and Restoration Grant program, which finances these grants, aims to promote the preservation of Arkansas’s historic resources by providing financial assistance for restoration projects. This year, the program awarded $975,900 to 26 recipients, with the amount of funding fluctuating annually based on the Real Estate Transfer Tax proceeds.

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