Several downtown Warren properties discussed in detail at Tuesday Ways and Means Committee meeting

Several downtown Warren properties discussed in detail at Tuesday Ways and Means Committee meeting

Several downtown cleanup projects were discussed by Warren City Council’s Ways and Means Committee Tuesday which could change the look of the downtown area and effect the Warren City budget. Chairwoman Dorothy Henderson, Alderwomen Memory Burks Frazer, and Emily Moseley met with Mayor Gregg Reep and Building Official Rob Johnson to discuss the City’s options.…

City wrestles with how to handle junked-up properties around Warren(full meeting video included)

City wrestles with how to handle junked-up properties around Warren(full meeting video included)

Dilapidated properties continue to be a major point of discussion for the Warren City Council, who met for their regular monthly business meeting Monday evening, June 13, 2022 at the Warren Municipal Building in downtown Warren. Although a relatively short meeting compared to most months, the bulk of June’s Council session was centered around the…